Monday, July 19, 2021

On growth and effect of healing!


On growth and effect of healing!

Only a life that is spent living for others is worth mentioning. The true purpose of human life is to live for others. The one attitude that heals one of all sins is ‘selflessness’. Only he is joyous, content, satisfied, praising, grateful and full of cheer and love.

And the mark of a ‘selfish’ person is that he ever complaining, lonely, fault-finding, crying and cribbing, jealous, full of hate and envy. No doubt, he is ever going in search of ‘desire fulfillment’. For him no ‘toy’ satisfies him for long. The moment his one desire is fulfilled, he goes behind another throwing tantrum about his pain and suffering because of his desire being ‘unfulfilled’. He never values anything once he gets it. His emptiness drives him away from ‘valuing and being grateful’ for what he has. He jumps from pity, guilt and anger from time to time. 


# growth due to healing, growth in healing, healing, attitude, change of character, no healing goes waste.....

previous post worth revisiting :

Questions worth asking and points worth noticing :

  • How is selflessness connected to our physical, financial and emotional well-being?
  • How is our attitude effecting our spiritual growth?
  • Can we separate spirituality and materialistic world and still be content, happy, balanced, peaceful and fearless?
  • Only a person who starts seeing himself connected more and more with others outgrows fear, insecurity and experiences love.
  • Selfishness makes a person more and more lustful and drives him crazy and hallow from within. That in turn becomes desire that makes a person chase things of this world. He tries to find his joy and happiness, peace and love in vacations, things, people and all such things of this physical world.

Growing a plant and having your first vegetable or flower - wow! Planted green chilly plant. It gave its first green chilly. Wow! Wow! Wow!

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Wow moment: I also have been expressing delight lately for the various flowers and vegetables growing in my garden. It’s quite a journey from sowing them to harvesting! Pure miracle!
Yesterday’s wow moment: did my first 100 meter sprint and feel so happy with myself!