Tuesday, July 13, 2021

On disturbances in life and their place in our life



On disturbances in life and their place in our life

From chaos comes order!

From disturbance comes peace!

From pain comes panacea from pain!

And only through pain we transcend pain and suffering ultimately!

So sooner we befriend disturbances of life and know how to use them to our benefit we’ll stop suffering with questions like “why so much of suffering? / How can God be so heartless? / Why can’t we all be happy all the time?”

Let us wake up to the opportunity that comes knocking at our doors in the form of disturbance in life. Then we’ll benefit with every disturbance in life, else every small disturbance will only break us down!



also read suggested : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=on+genuinity+and+happiness

# everything happens for good, ups and downs of life, challenges of life, facts of life, life, good and bad times, failure and success, pain and suffering, disturbances of life

Point worth taking :

Befriend your mind. You can win all the outer battles with ease. Then the life's ups and downs become a play ground which you play with fun and win with ease.

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My wow moment : listened to the pitter patter of the rain on the roof and everywhere.......saw the rain drops drop when it was drizzling, then when it rained and after rain had stopped......just for 10mts but wow........


Supriya said...

My wow moment: pushed my daily exercise goal to three times of what I thought I could do, and successfully finished it. My body hurts, but I feel proud of myself for not giving up. (I really wanted to give up even before I hit the mid point).

Reminds me of Maam’s lessons on how to set goals, commit to and sticking to it till the end.

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!

Swati said...

I heard the sound of the parrots. Enjoyed it. That was my wow moment