Thursday, July 29, 2021

Start of the day!


Start of the day!

However late you get up, however busy you are start your day right!

Don't start your day by looking at your phone or TV.

Instead start by looking at the sky (while we still can!?), listening to birds singing, sunrise or just playing with your kid in bed. It need not be for hours, just couple of minutes also is good enough. 

Start your day this way and see....

Don't let this thought create tension in you. Just go outside and be with nature - drinking your morning cup of tea/coffee....

If you are the one who doesn't drink any beverage good for you, have a glass of warm/cold water (honey added being optional) and enjoy your drink....this is for you to enjoy the morning ....don't do it as a 'oh, God, one more do to job..'

do it for just 3 days and get back with your feedback......

# small things matter, right start, good and bad days, mindset, perspective, attitude, 

further read on similar topic : 

Points to take :

  • All it takes sometimes is to make a right start.
  • A right mindset can alter the course of the events.
  • When the mind is in happy or calm zone it handles every eventuality in a better way.
  • When the mind is agitated even a small things go off handle and then bitterness seeps into every mood, act of ours.
  • Situations don't cause us to be bitter. Our state of mind when we face them makes us bitter or better persons. 
  • Think about it!

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