Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Being Still


Being Still!

We are human being – not human doings! Read this sentence again and again to get it.

But are we ‘being’?

We are ever busy ‘doing’ things to get things of this world. We think only about achievements that we get by ‘doing’. That is also one kind of high and it gives immense happiness. Achievements have their place and need in our life. They are good. But they is more to life than just ‘doing’. BE!

‘Being’ can be experienced only when we are still. Still doesn’t mean being lazy or doing nothing. No, it means ‘moving in peace’. ‘Intense work is rest’ said Ram Dass.

Just practice mindfulness in every work that you do. Start small and go big. It relieves you of tiredness, depression, anxiety, fear, confusion and hatred.

Only in beingness will you experience the bliss of being, fearlessness and love.  

I have been cooking since like ever and still every time when I make roti and it puffs - wow!

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