Monday, July 26, 2021

Fact about the world....


Fact about the world....

Everything in and of this world follows one rule for sure - "CHANGE".

No two days are same.

No two moments are same.

All factors being same too, it is not same. For eg. now that most of the people have experienced being at home and working from home. We have been confined to the four walls for long periods of time. People in the house - that being our family is same. The members of the family are same. House is same. Our work is same. And yet, look back at the past year. No two days were same. All the factors - people, place, things etc were same and yet.....

People have complained of it being boring and same. But it only looked so because of how we looked at it. We wore the glasses of conditions. We felt 'happiness' is going out. We defined happiness as shopping and travelling. We define being in the crowd as 'good'. And since we missed all that we defined as 'good' and causes of happiness, we felt we were missing out all the fun. But it was not so!

We must have realised that we don't need to shop most of the things in our life. We could live without the usual purchases. We could eat at home and yet be fulfilled. 

Every day being the same, yet it came out with different results from each home. Each family have come out differently in the past year. Just look around. That is the beauty of life. It looks same and repetative and yet the change is happening slowly and steadily and one day the change is huge to notice. 

But as our mind wants to hold on to pleasant time and is averse to bad times, it creates friction and calls it fear. But good and bad times keep changing from one to another. Pleasant and unpleasant news/time keep happening one after the other. The impermanence of life is the beauty and rhythm of life. 


# change is inevitable, impermanence, facts of life, truth about life, pain and suffering, acceptance of the reality, pain, life,

read further on this topic : 

Those of you who are going to read any post of the above given link, give your feedback on the post you have read so that it would be easy for others to check it too.......

Questions addressed :

  • What is change?
  • What is the only thing which is constant in life?
  • Why we suffer change?
  • What is the reason for fear and suffering?
  • What is the cause of pain?
  • How change effects us?
(Hope all of such questions are understood ..)

Wow moment :
An old favourite played on the! The surprise that comes with wow feeling of hearing my favourite song.......simply wow!

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