Monday, July 5, 2021

Duty and love


Duty and love

Duty is seldom sweet. Duty is seldom looked forward to. No doubt parents complain about the duty they owe to their children and children hate fulfilling their duty towards their parents. 

But just add 'love' to it and lo! the same duty becomes so sweet. It is the 'love' that turns every duty into something worth doing. It makes duty enjoyable too! Love removes friction in the wheels of duty and makes it go smooth. How else would wives do their duties towards their husbands and husbands towards their wives? How would a parent do his duty towards his child and child towards his parent? 

Wherever their is complain, irritation, frustration and pain, know that duty is not at fault. It is the 'lack of love' in it that is causing this pain and suffering....

Blessed are the few who love duty for the sake of it!

All others need to pour love on to the object towards which we need to fulfill our duties in order to make our duty enjoyable! Whether it is towards your family, friends, society, company or Nation - we need to love to make our duty worth doing!

And love can express itself only in freedom!

Think about it!

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