Thursday, July 8, 2021

On children!

On Children!

Don't raise your kids with more than you had. Instead raise them to be more than you WERE!

The one mistake most parents do is to think that they need to provide all the material goods for their kids. We only have to raise them to be good enough to earn for themselves.

Don't equate giving material comforts to love. If you do so they may end up equating love with materials ONLY!

Look at yourself and your values first. The kid is going to learn that from you.  

also read :

1 comment:

Supriya said...

This subject always reminds me of Guru Dhronacharya and his son Ashwatthama. He got carried away with the thought of providing the best and securing a bright future for his son. We all know what character Ashwatthama built in the process.

I once heard from someone that as parents our primary job is to make our kids resilient. I realized that the focus should not just be on providing and protecting kids, but to find a balance between the three (providing, protecting and building resilience in them). There is a need to understand what they ‘truly’ need, instead of deciding what they ‘should’ need.

Yes, one also make the mistake of not following what they preach. Can think of many such examples! In such cases kids learn to have the double standards from their parents.

Understanding ‘what’ to do is one thing, but knowing and following ‘how’ to do it is another. Many times I need help with staying on track and I always come back to maam and this blog to find my answers. Following her recommendations has always helped me.

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!