Wednesday, July 21, 2021




Courage is the only thing worth developing. Develop it and win over fear. Develop it and you are ready to ‘enjoy’ life with whatever it has for you. Develop it to be able to treat life as a game.

But courage needs ‘right atmosphere’ to be developed and tested. And ‘good time’ is certainty not it. In good times, people become complacent (chaltha hai…). They become addicted to comforts of life. Opulence brings abundance of means and reasons of laxity.

To develop courage ‘tough time’ is the right time. More tough times a person faces more courage he has change to develop. Do not ask for easy life. That will make you a weakling – one who is crying, cribbing, complaining, angry and seeking pity at the drop of a hat. 


# courage, fearlessness, fear, enemy within, weakness, attitude, strength, tough time, everything happens for a reason, bad times are good times, 

also read :

Point worth taking :

  • What is courage?
  • Overcome fear and that strength will bring abundance in life.
  • To overcome fear we need to overcome ignorance.
  • Emptiness within will bring only bitterness from inside.
  • Anything that is sought to fix the bitterness of heart will reap bitterness in life and its situations. That's why we are unhappy and bitter even after our wishes come true!
  • Take time to heal self. Heal that vacuum within self and then go out and work in the world, for the world and to win the world. It would be so easy.
  • Stronger the roots are stronger the plant and it will withstand any storm later.

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