Thursday, July 22, 2021





Seek to outgrow fear. Seek to win fear. One should want to be ‘fearless’. And that doesn’t come by seeking others’ pity or protection. Be a shield unto others. Fall thousand times but don’t break down. Collect yourself every time. Work on fear. Develop courage.  ‘The purpose of life’ is to become ‘fearless’. Vedas and Upanishads (The treasure trove of Vedantic philosophy) say that. Our seers and Rishies said that. Let’s seek only that. All others will follow suit!

Only when we become fearless will we ultimately come out of every pain and suffering.

And the basis of fear is ignorance. So let’s work on clarity of thought. Clarity of thought is clouded by conditions that we live by. Let’s then drop our conditions. Let’s question them and face them. Let’s know why we condition and where we condition. That will give us clarity of thought. Bye and by ignorance is removed and that will clear our fear!



# courage, fearlessness, fear, enemy within, weakness, attitude, strength, tough time, everything happens for a reason, bad times are good times, 

Everything happens for a reason. Tough times and unpleasant events too have a place in the complete picture that needs to evolve.Just because we are not comfortable with such moments or time doesn't mean they will cease to exist. They happened. They are happening. And bad times will keep happening in our lives and in the entire world for ever....but what we can do with healing and bringing a change in us and our perspective is learn to deal with them in a more balanced way. We can learn to benefit from each fall. We can use them to turn us towards going within and looking into our weak areas. Later we can work on strengthening our weak areas. Each time we come out better and stronger we become eligible to a better environment and better positions in life.......


Kshitija said...

Wow moment
Realising that having some one who cares for you .

Kshitija said...

Wow moment
Having a family and the realisation of having them