Thursday, July 15, 2021

Justifying, defending and accruing karma


Justifying, defending and accruing karma

When we justify our thoughts, acts, we own them. When we defend our thoughts, likes and dislikes or people, we own them. Till they are owned by us, how can we be ‘free of their effect’ in our lives and on us? That is ‘binding of karma’. So disown!

Don’t defend. Love people in your life but don’t market them as ‘good people’. Have likes but don’t market them as ‘right’. You become bound by the actions that you take because of that like!

Do these statements seem familiar?

·  When one says ‘My son sings well’ – the other says “mine dances too’

·       When one says ‘your brother drinks right?’ – the other says ‘but you why he drinks or but he is so intelligent’

When someone is talking about their people why do we immediately support our people? If my brother drinks, why do I market him as good by telling something different like ‘he earns a lot or he is intelligent or that he is divorced so he is actually broken etc’?


# justify, karma and fate, defend, attachments, on love, relationships, hurt and feelings, emotions, 

also read :  

Questions addressed :

  • Why do we justify the actions and intentions of our near and dear ones?
  • How does attachment to someone blinds us to promote their image where it is not even needed?
  • How attachment and justification of others acts binds us to our karma...

Points to be understood :

  • Love by all means. Don't see others worthiness in loving. But do we need to build their image at every step? Do we need to market our near ones as 'good and perfect' ones?
  • Love is a feeling. No need to curtail or ration it with near ones. 
  • But 'justifying them or always defending their actions' reflects how we are attached to them. Their in lies our fault and cause of our pain.
  • Why are we so particular that others 'validate' our dear ones and 'good and worthy' person? Is it so important? Why is it so important? Please sit in meditation and find out. Develop clarity. You'll become free from pain in relationships. 
  • Freedom is not 'from' relationships. We don't leave behind our relationships. We are learning to leave traits and actions that are causing us pain and suffering in our relationship.

Watched a part of favourite film brings back nostalgia. Wow moment!
Know the dialogue and even the expression of the actor. Still going through it, seeing it once again - wow!

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