Saturday, July 24, 2021

Listen to your words!


Listen to your words!

Sometimes, it is not what you say that matters but how you say it!

Before defending self, listen to yourself when you are calm and go through your words. Maybe, the way you wanted to say, the thing you wanted to say came out the wrong way. Maybe, it came out in way different than what you felt or wanted to convey.

Accept it and say what you want to in a different way. It is all that easy when you own up your actions and words. Don’t justify your words or actions. Your relationship is much more worth than your words and actions. Realize that and lo! Most of your suffering just vanishes….


# mindfulness, being aware and alert, beingness, ego, relationships, pain and suffering, on words and actions....

also read :

Tip for the story : 

Apply the philosophy of Buddha in the story with and in every relationship be it as a parent, kid, friend, employee, employer, relative - in short as a human being in every and each relationship.....the cause of the problem goes away and the effect of the problem too goes away.....

 What did you understand from the link given above?

Where are you going to apply it?



1 comment:

Supriya said...

What a coincidence! (Sorry, can’t resist the temptation to use the word ‘coincidence’) I was thinking about the same thing the whole day today. Went over those points about giving and receiving to rework on self. My wow moment for today!

Happy Guru Pournami Maam! 🙏
