Tuesday, April 30, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!


On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

People usually say with a limp giggle “but maam, I again want to start sadhan. I want to be regular this time. I have understood the importance of sadhan now.”

This almost everyone says like a million times. And they assume themselves to be good. They presume there is nothing wrong with this. One more statement that people always tell me is “Ma'am, I want to do sadhan at my pace” that in short means, I will do only sadhan enough to get my material benefits. I don’t want to heal my attitude and change my character as of now!

Now, let’s look at one statement at a time.

First is giving a break to sadhan regularly. Of course, everyone has his or her own excuses. Let me explain this once and for all! You don’t have to give me lame excuses for not being in sadhan. It doesn’t make a difference in my life if you do or don’t do Reiki. It makes a DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE and attitudes. You need to understand that first! That you are doing it for your own good. You are doing reiki for yourself and to mend the weeds off your life! 

The Next point is “Is it wrong to not do sadhan or take a break from sadhan?”

Technically, the answer is NO! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Panacea+for+all+ills%21 


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

Read related post https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+my+Guru+On+Buddha+and+sweets 

Points to ponder:

Read the COMPLETE link though I may have given just the link to a single-day post....

read the images too - they too have your answers........they are given to clarify your doubts too....

read the comments too......and read also explanations given below the posts if any..

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