Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Time to rest!


Time to rest!

When is it time to rest?

When your body, mind and spirit seem to give up, know it's time to rest. 

If you go on even when the entire system says "I can't" you may never reach where you are struggling to go. STOP is the sign you must read and follow. 

It's OK to rest for in rest you calm your nerves and a calmer mind sees the solution that is right in front of us.

A person desperate for things to go his way will only lose the people he has in life now. He also messes up the energies in such a way that he creates more hurdles in the path of his desire-fulfillment. 

Doing nothing is so far away from Being Still. Being still is being restful. Know the difference! And act accordingly to get the right results. 

Now, what does resting mean if not lazing around through the day? 

Because Swami Rama says "Intense work is rest".

Resting is not about physically lazing around or hopping on to some exotic place in the name of a break or vacation. No, it is far from it. 

Rest is for the mind. Rest for the emotions. Rest is stilling our inner chatter. And that rest when given, the person gets connected to the 'soul consciousness' and that gives energy worth 'hundreds of elephants'. Then that person can accomplish many things of this World effortlessly and in no time. 

Just look at Lord Buddha, Adi Shankaracharya, Jesus and many such stalwarts. They disappeared from the World for quite some time. 

Lord Buddha went away to meditate for 6 long years to become enlightened. 

Jesus left home around 13-14 years and came back only when he was around 30 years of age.

Everyone goes within and takes so many years to get connected to the soul. Then all the work they did was monumental. Jesus Christ preached for just 3 years and look all around you - that is the impact of work well done! People after 2000 years of his leaving his mortal body are also ready to forgo everything in his name!

Adi Shankaracharya left his body at 33 years of age. And yet, no one could touch anywhere near his body of work to date. 

We can't go to some mountain or forest and lose our 10-20 years of life. But, we all can take 10-15 days of rest - that is, being in complete sadhan for a said period and gain from it - periodically!

So take time to go into intense sadhan from time to time to rejuvenate yourself. Do it to become fresh from within to have a better and fresh perspective. Do this to gain energy to do much work effortlessly!

rest, being still, awareness, being in the moment, mindfulness, meditation, going within, outer world reflection of inner world, chaos, order, 

Points to ponder:
  • When nothing seems to work, take a break!
  • When things don't seem to work, take a break!
  • Take a break is not about taking a vacation, it is taking break from running around things and how people and things should happen in your life.
  • Take a break of running around this World. Take time to visit yourself. Take time to still your mind!

1 comment:

Swati said...

I would love to do 10 days intense healing. But being home with kids around and chores for me it gets difficult.
Had suggested this before also would like to suggest again
How about we can go on a healing retreat.
Interested healers can enrol and for 1 week We are completely into healing. When all are doing together there is a spirit of motivation.