Thursday, September 17, 2020

Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic



Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic 

83 Quotes About Understanding Others and Your Relationships

We were left with the story, our questions and our understanding. 

If simple fish could behave differently to different state of mind of that monk, then what say about humans and Universe?

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If just, one intent could make so much of difference, then what about us and our emotions and intentions?

Where were we with our lust, anger, hatred and desires?

What we desired or did not was not that important – as from which centre we made that desire. The intent made it ‘dharmic’ or ‘adharmic’.

This did not just apply to people in our lives. It could be applied to our every desire.

We attract people simi... | Quotes & Writings by Voice Within | YourQuote

Are we sending away that we want by the way we want it?

Are we pushing away all that we desire from our life with our lust filled hearts and mind?

Does ‘intent’ make it ‘dharma’ or ‘adharma’?

We fall back on our ‘understanding’ to justify our desires and acts! But…

These and such questions were raised by us. We needed to work on them and more importantly on ourselves. And for that we need to look within – honestly. That meant – meditating. So, we sat in meditation….. 


# fish and the ascetic story, law of attraction, on giving and receiving, 

also read : 

various aspects of free will, destiny, decisions and choices made and their effect on our destiny is explained in the link given above....go through it for complete understanding of all these aspects of this story...... 

Points to be understood : 

1. What is law of attraction and how it works?

2. Why and how we repel right kind of people from our life?

3. Who is responsible for being lonely or for attracting people who give us pain and suffering in our life?

4. Easiest thing to do is 'change self' and the world around us changes for better......

5. We are not what we think we are, we are what we are ...and hence attract what we are not what we think of ourselves to be.....

6. To know who you truly are, look at the people and situations in your life. It reflects the exact vibration you are generating right now......if you like what you notice, good be so! But if you are not happy with what is in your life, then look within, meditate, change all that needs to be changed.

7. Nothing changes for good unless the way you vibrate change from within.

8. Selfishness will attract only dislike, hatred and related energies. Selfishness cannot attract love, affection, respect or happiness. 

Thought for the week : 

He says "in sukh "I" don't exist and when "I" exist it is dukh"...

'Nenu' lenappudu sukhamu, nene unnappude dukhammu.....

నేను లేనప్పుడు సుఖము, నేనే ఉన్నప్పుడు దుఃఖము 

jab mein hota hoon woh dukh hai aur jab mein nahin woh sukh hai.....

जब मैं होता हूँ वह दुःख हैं और जब मैं नहीं वह सुःख हैं।  

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Before starting my journey as a reiki channel, I used to think that karma only relates to what we say and do. The first thing I understood when I started with Reiki was that even our thoughts are our karma. I always read in the context of Mahatma Gandhi and heard it in poojas but hardly applied it. Initially I thought I understood it well, but as I got better (thanks to continuous healing) I saw how frequently and many a times pretty quickly my thoughts would manifest. My understanding of karma
(related to thoughts as well) got better.

I realized that to earn good, joyful, peaceful, fruitful, meaningful relationships, I need to work on my doing, speaking and thinking at all times - actually even more in difficult times and with difficult people. If I am idealist, thinking of values and stick to strong opinions etc., and don’t have love and compassion for others (especially the difficult people) then how will I receive it? Every person is capable to showering love to some and be difficult to others. I would like to tap into the good side of self and others, so I try(sometimes I forget) to use more of those good thoughts and acts without being dishonest.

I am still working on it and I hope I don’t give up. This post is a reminder for me.

Thank you ma’am!