Sunday, September 13, 2020

Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic


Me, my Guru –  fish and the ascetic 

50+ Positive Psychology Quotes: A Collection of Beautiful Reflections

But it remained a wish for all these years. And today if we found the reason, there may be a way to ‘make friends’ in our life too! So I listened carefully!

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She started off with a story as if Vaishnav’s question did not make any sense to her. He was bit angry with her there. But I expected her story to give us a clue to the answer and solution we were so desperately seeking. 

Unmindful of my expectation and Vaishnav’s anger she continued her story “In a certain forest lived a monk. He had settled in this forest many years ago with a view to do intense penance. He wanted to become ‘Enlightened’. That desire prompted him to do penance.

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Every morning he would go down the lake in the forest, stand in the water waist high and do penance. Years passed by as he followed this routine. He would stand in those waters for hours before going back to his hut in the forest. Because of this routine, the fist in the lake became used to him over the period of time. They would swim near and around him unmindful of his presence.

They followed their rituals as monk followed his. This went on for years. One day a fisherman came to the forest lake. He saw the monk meditating standing in the lake. He was surprised to see so many fish come so near him. He hit upon an Idea. Why struggle to catch these fish? So, in the evening he went to meet the monk in his hut. He found the hut by observing the monk and his routine for couple of days!

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When he met monk in his hut, he fell on his feet and prayed “Great one! Shower your grace on a sinner like me. You are my only hope! I seek your blessings. Existence and survival of my family depends solely on you, blessed one!” 


# on giving out energies and receiving, wish granted, law of attraction, how the Universe works

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