Friday, September 4, 2020

Teacher's day - sadhan


Teacher's day - sadhan 

As decided earlier in the link given above, those of you who wish to chant MM by way of thanking your teachers, prepare a list of teachers whom you wish to thank tomorrow and for whom you are chanting and sending reiki tomorrow........

keep the list ready and keep it in front of you when you sit to chant MM tomorrow...

start your reiki with all your symbols and make a declaration that you are chanting by way of thanking all these (by looking at the list in front of you or by telling their name one by one) teachers from your life. You are requesting reiki and the Divine to bless the teachers and their family with abundance of health, wealth, happiness, clarity of thought (and any other wish you have for them) ..

start chanting MM (either aloud or silently as is convenient to you)

close the chanting by programming the reiki....

if you are not able to do chanting in one go, do this procedure every time you start and end the chanting for better results.....

i said 10 malas of MM, but you can increase or decrease the number depending upon your convenience and interest.....

instead of doing it for one day, you can extend it for more no. of days if you so desire....

if you have say 25 teachers in your life whom you wish to thank and send blessing of reiki to, then you can chant 25 malas - at least one per person.....this can be bit difficult for most to do in a single can spread it in 3-5 days as per your convenience.....or 

you can still do only 10 malas for all the 25 teachers - still good.......

those who can't do or don't want to do - no questions asked, no need to explain, be at rest and be with your personal sadhan - that's absolutely fine.....

those who want to do this or any other sadhan recommended on such occasions can do it as and when they want to - blessing someone is not something that need to be told by me every time.......any one can be blessed and sent reiki to any time........choice is can do it 'n' no. of times /year

just remember, you are doing all this by way of thanking them not to expect some reward as return......we are paying our dues, can't ask favours for that too.....

those who can't do this or any other healing suggested for next weeks, just don't give any explanation to me, seek my understanding in this regard, go on guilt ride and so on......

don't get angry that this is being decided when you are in condition to do this......if you so please, note it down and do it when you please.......

just be with your regular sadhan and be aware of your mind which is creating hell for you by jumping from one emotion to the other......

stay alert and stay aware and find blessing that way........

same rules apply to all other healings in future too.........don't ask repetitive questions.....


Aparna Deshpande said...

Hello ma'am good morning happy teacher's day to you πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Thanks for giving us a wonderful rood path We are very satisfied on this journey once again thank you for your guidance and support to move forward with confidence and clerityof thoughts.
Thank you reiki.thank you Reiki guruji πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŽ‰

V Sridhar said...

Happy Teachers Day Ma'am... Thank you for guiding usπŸ™❤️
I made a list of about 30 Teachers in my life who have contributed to my growth & well being as an individual...I am very grateful to all of them & will send Reiki to all these 2-3 days❤️πŸ™
30th August was a beautiful day for me. I conducted online Meditation that went off well & actually whole day was very good for no particular reason... I saw your note of 1st Sept. Sadhan day only today... Now I know...
Thank you very much... with love & gratitude πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️

Mona said...

Happy Teachers day Ma'am! πŸ™πŸ™ Thank you for everything. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
The above rules of not going on a guilt trip, etc, I have experienced with you since I've known you. Youve always given us time and waited patiently for each one of us to grow. So if I din't understand a story 7 years ago and understand it now, you still are on my side joyfully, instead of wondering why it takes 7 years for someone to understand such simple stuff. Can't really explain my thoughts in words, but I feel you've been patient not just in this life, but since many lives for me.

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

Thank You So Much for detailed steps, this really helps, today I got chance to send to 27 teachers of my life.

Yappiiee Teachers Day to you also mam.
Thank You Guruji and Thank You Reiki