Thursday, September 24, 2020

Monk and the scorpion – Me, My Guru


Monk and the scorpion – Me, My Guru

We had many questions while attacking her explanation of Dharma :

1.Why should we forgive our family and friends so many times?

2.How are we to respond to people who insult, tease or irritate us?

3.What about our hurt in the relationship?

In one story, she said it all! We have certain responsibilities that come by taking this body. By behaving otherwise, we stooped to the levels of either animals or demons. We developed ‘asuric’ nature in us every time we chose to hurt others. We created hell for ourselves by our choice. Our choice became our curse. This ‘choice’ was the ‘karma’ that decided our ‘destiny’. 

But when we decided to be a bigger person in a relationship, we chose heaven for ourselves. We developed our ‘divine’ self. And that in turn bettered our perception, clarity of thought, purity of heart and patience. We developed forbearance the power of which is hardly understood until acquired. It was not weakness. It was a great power – to be able to hurt and yet choosing to restrain. That was ‘the power of restrain’ that made ‘Rama – the Purushottam’. That was the quality that Mahatma Gandhi had. That exactly was the quality that the English kneeled down to when Indians exhibited it. It was not the fight between nations as assumed by millions. It was the fight by the ‘haughtiness that comes with power’ against ‘forbearance’. That was the power of ‘Jesus’ against Jews which they couldn’t stand and hence crucified him out of fright. But, they couldn’t stop him from being inspiration to millions to lay down their lives in service of the oppressed.  


# monk and the scorpion story, story on forgiveness, being self, character, helping and caring, being human, 

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