Saturday, September 19, 2020

Me, My Guru –Role of a Guru


Me, My Guru –Role of a Guru

“I am free to do anything that I choose. But I am not bound to do anything. I don’t owe you anything. And so I don’t need to do anything” replied Guru.

“But I took you for a Guru!?” exclaimed student confused. 

“I didn’t ask you to. In fact, I never said I am one. You called me Guru so that you can bind me to your expectations and demands. Guru is not one whom you can bind for your calling, by your calling. He is not bound by your expectations either. In fact, he is not bound by anything and anyone. He is free. Guru is one who teaches you to free yourself from your bondage. He can teach you that because he is not bound. And he knows how not to be bound too. He is not one whom you can bind with your demands and expectations” explained Guru.

“Then I don’t think I want to be your student anymore!” threatened student.

“If that pleases you” replied Guru without flinching. 


# Guru, role of guru, expectations and conditions, freedom, freewill, clarity of thought in playing roles.....

also read : 

Pointers to understand this post : 

“I am free to do anything that I choose. But I am not bound to do anything. I don’t owe you anything. And so I don’t need to do anything” replied Guru. - This is the way a person who is free thinks, behaves and lives. He is honest with himself and with everyone in his life. He doesn't pretend to be 'liked' or 'respected' by others as he is not using others for his benefit. He doesn't see others as his means to his end. So he is so! Selfish and greedy person cannot afford to say this. 

Only an arrogant or a Guru is capable of saying so!

"“If that pleases you” replied Guru without flinching. " - It is not the duty of the river to plead you to drink water from it and quench your thirst. If you with your adamant nature decide to go thirsty because of your selfishness and arrogance, then the suffering is your own doing! Same is the case with 'Universe' or God!

IF you love set it free, if it comes back it is yours, otherwise it never was yours in the first place! 

Love doesn't demand. Love can't expect. Love is here to give not to take. 

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