Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic



Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic 

50 Inspirational Quotes for Joy & Abundance | Jack Canfield

Monk saw the fisherman leave. He felt like a failure. He was both confused and angry at these fish. He didn’t understand what went wrong today! Finally, as day came to an end, he left towards his hut.

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There in the dark of his hut he saw through the events and his actions. He realized his folly. He saw the ‘ego trip’ he fell into! He saw how one expectation of that fisherman changed his nature, stability and the state of mind. He saw how he became bound wanting to live up to fisherman’s expectations! In that he saw his fall.

He noticed how change in his intention brought about the change in his conduct. Those fish sensed his intentions! No doubt, they kept away from him!

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He laughed at his folly. He laughed at himself. All these years he had done such intense penance and yet fell such an easy prey to flattery! His desire to live up to fisherman’s expectations made him look such a fool!

No doubt, ‘maya’ is considered so difficult to overcome. With renewed respect for sadhan and increased vigour, awareness and enthusiasm he decided to win over his ‘ego’. He thanked the fisherman’s arrival for it taught him where he stood in his sadhan. He slept over his decision.

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Next day, he got up as usual! He went to lake as usual. He got into the lake and started his penance as usual! And fish came near him as usual!

Things returned to their normal routine” so saying our Guru left us.

Some people had come to visit her and she had made them wait while she attended our queries. Having finished her job here, she left to play her part with the visitors.

We were left with the story, our questions and our understanding.

If simple fish could behave differently to different state of mind of that monk, then what say about humans and Universe? 


# fish and the ascetic story, intentions, lust, desire and its effect, law of attraction

read the above link to understand what destiny and freewill the complete post of the above link - not just the part i have given link to.....

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