Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets


Me, my Guru On Buddha and sweets

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She came after 7 days. She bowed to ‘The Great One’ and pleaded again “Great One, please ask my son to stop eating sweets”. 

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the  right ones | Popular inspirational quotes at EmilysQuotes
Buddha looked lovingly at the boy and said “Don’t eat so much of sweets. They are no good. Listen to your mother”.

The boy looked at Buddha, bowed to him and replied “So be it Master”.

The mother was overjoyed, hugged her son, bowed thanking the Great one and left relieved.

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Ananda, Buddha’s student found this odd! He asked “Master, you could’ve said those lines the first time that mother had come. Why did you make her come 2 more times?”

Buddha replied with a smile “Because, when she had come the first time, I myself was addicted to sweets. How could I, lover of sweets ask the young lad to not eat them? I thought I could outgrow my love for sweets in one week. So, I asked her to come after a week. In this one week I didn’t eat sweets, but the thought of sweets still lingered in my mind. So, I didn’t and couldn’t ask that boy not to eat sweets when my mind was set on it! This week I worked on my mind. Now, I don’t have even a thought or desire for sweet in me. So, I told that boy not to eat sweet”.

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Ananda was both pleased and surprised with his Master’s honesty.

So you see for that honesty to shine forth through one’s character, one has to know one’s inner most desires, thoughts and feelings at every point of time.

And to be honest, one should stop justifying one’s emotions. Only then can we see ‘who we truly are!’ Anybody can parrot ‘words’ heard couple of times, but it is the centre from which it is said that gives ‘energy’ to those words” our Guruji concluded.


# on giving and receiving advice, honesty, character, integrity of character, imitation and real, levels of honesty

also read to understand what defines our perception and our desire   :

Points to consider : 
  • Person who is honest with himself doesn't hide his true nature with himself. He doesn't justify his nature with reasoning. In fact he uses reasoning to address his nature, desire, attitudes and then heals them. He uses reasoning to transform himself.
  • Any reasoning used to 'be stuck with our personality' is the breeding ground of our 'demonic character'.
  • Demonic character is the cause of pain and suffering in our life.
  • Demonic character is not our 'Real Nature'. It is acquired and desired by us for its utility. We find 'demonic pleasure' worth pursuing and hence log on to it.
  • Every one's real nature is always 'DIVINE'. 
Question to be addressed : 
  • Why did boy listen to what Buddha said him to do?
  • Does the centre from which one gives advice make a difference in the impact it has on the receiver?
  • How can we use every situation to outgrow our weakness every time we come face to face with it?


Supriya said...

I read this story - day 1 and day 2 (except the last para here), to my son last night and he loved it. I did not explain the story, but asked him what he learned from it and he said : don’t preach what you don’t follow yourself. And, before preaching anything follow it yourself.

I too am able to appreciate the fact that some people speak with conviction and impact not just because they believe in it, but also because they decide to go through the experience first hand before they are teaching/preaching.

Thank you Ma’am!

Kshitija said...

My take away from the post

1. The boy listened to Buddha because of the honesty of Buddha. Buddha has deaddicted himself from his love of sweets not only of his taste but it’s desire too . The centre from which Buddha has asked the child I.E honesty.
2. Yes, it definitely has an impact . The centre from which one acts makes the entire difference . That is the reason when we take the name of the guru , god etc just taking the name also has a huge impact because we are logging on to their centre which is divine.
3. During the situation .
a) first need to come back to our centre ( Various techniques of reiki have been taught to us we can use them)and observe and get to know our innermost desires, thoughts and feelings at every point of time and stop justifying our emotions.
b) Then need to work on the situation .