Wednesday, September 30, 2020

One favourite story!


One favourite story!

One story rightly said, one story rightly read is all it takes to change while our head is still making excuses!

Did you come across such a story?

Are you still waiting for such a story?

Don’t worry! Either way, you are a winner.

If you’ve already come across one then all you need to is apply it in your life and which you already must be doing as it is the story that’s brought ‘change’ along with it!

If you haven’t yet found one – well, there is more than one good news in it! One – you are intently looking at all the stories that come your way! That’s very good attitude.

Next, you are still looking means you have perseverance and hope in you. Very good attitudes – both required and essential to succeed in outer and inner world!

You are ‘aware’ that you haven’t found your story – meaning you are ‘aware’!

‘Awareness’ is the ‘The Attitude’ that will let thousand petals of lotus bloom – one at a time. Don’t lose it! Hold on to it. Keep going! Just include this awareness in your daily routine too like be ‘aware’ while you are eating, talking and even fighting. When you are fighting or shouting just be aware that you are doing it – and keep doing whatever you are doing!

In work or in play – just be aware!

And till then I’ll keep writing with a hope that I write ‘that’ story that is enough to change!

But I’ll keep writing, but won’t do with a wish, desire, condition, attachment or urgency to give ‘that story’ to you! I’ll just keep writing. Because, I do desire you get ‘your story’ but it can come from any source in this world. It coming to you is important – not necessarily from me!

And yet I’ll keep writing – without hoping, without conditions.

Happy reading! 

And if any of you have a favourite story from this blog, do share if you feel like and if you please, explain why that is your favourite story.......

# favourite story, on reading and benefiting, perspective, 


Kshitija said...
The entire series of the above
The entire series of the above infact we have done a skit with children from the above which established me as a strong teacher in the school the credit goes to the blog
Buddha and angulimaan
Each and every story of Buddha
There are many these are only a few even the musquito story from blog
Buddha and his disciples
We did many skits based on the stories from the blog
Thank you you have once again given me a motivation for the day
I want to read them again because each time I read there is a new learning waiting for me .
Even my son has benefited and loves them a lot
Thank you may god bless you and ur family

Mona said...

There are many! Actually one I had read long back in 2009 I think but I was unable to find it. In the process of looking for it, I found this one - I don't remember reading it before, and has become one of my favorites!

Supriya said...

There are a lot of stories that have influenced me. I would say that these stories remind me of the answers to my questions and confusions. The key is to remember these stories when I come across those situations.

Some of the stories are:
I try to remember this story when I come across bitterness in relationships (be it personal, professional or social)
I try to remember the story in this series and the lessons from here. It helps me stay focused when I need to do my duties diligent (no matter how hard or complicated they are) for whatever role I choose. Also, remembering it helps when someone in authority seems to misuse/abuse their position(again this person could be a relative, friend, professional acquaintance, people in service industry, spiritual guru or politician)

The recent posts on giving and receiving has helped me bring my thoughts together. I figured out why I was frustrated with my ‘giving’ experience and what I can do when that situation comes.

Also, I would like to mention here that a sadhak had posted a question related to dharma in the comment section somewhere and ma’am asked us if we would like to answer it. I wanted to answer it, but as mentioned above, I wanted to sincerely understand dharma before answering it. This lead me to explore this subject and I am still researching and processing it. It has helped me because i am finding about my dharma for self, for relationships, for the community, for my employer, for my nation, for my planet, towards the supreme soul... the list goes on.

I have benefitted in many number of ways and I am thankful to you and everyone here. Everybody here has helped me in my journey.

Love and light,

V Sridhar said...

There have been many stories which have been very moving & transformative... each story had its impact... difficult to choose the best as we keep changing... But the story of the Master & on the empty boat realy woke me up..🙏❤️
With love & gratitude