Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic


Me, my Guru – fish and the ascetic 

16 Zen Quotes To Help You Go With Your Flow | Words, Motivational quotes,  True quotes

Monk had bought fisherman’s logic!

Angel City Zen Center - About Zen — Angel City Zen Center

Next day, as he was going about his morning chore he thought about his promise that he made to fisherman of catching fish for him. Even before going to sleep he recollected his promise. He made a mental review of catching those fish. As he was walking towards the lake he saw himself catching fish and putting in fisherman’s bag. He was happy with the picture of bag full of fish he had helped fisherman catch.

A Zen master explains what it really means when someone says “I love you”

When he reached the lake, he saw those fish that he was so used to seeing every day – all these years. He knew it was child’s play to catch those fish today for him! He stepped into the lake. All the fish suddenly swam away! He didn’t notice that though. He got into the water waist high and waited for fish to come near him. Not one fish came near him – today! He was surprised! A little later he tried chasing and catching them. He failed miserably after several attempts too! Now, he got irritated. He swam towards fish to catch them. Yet, he failed – every time. Sometime passed! He became tired. And angry! He felt he had lost his face to the fisherman who believed him. He did all that he could to catch fish. He couldn’t catch even one fish. 

70 Chanakya Quotes which describe the reality of life

Fisherman was seeing all this standing on the shore. He saw his plan fall flat on the face. He got dejected. He assumed that he had unnecessarily given credit to this monk. He was useless. So he left without saying a word.

Monk saw the fisherman leave. He felt like a failure. He was both confused and angry at these fish. He didn’t understand what went wrong today! Finally, as day came to an end, he left towards his hut. 


# intention, desire, lust and love, law of attraction, dharma and adharma, fish and the ascetic in the pond story

also read suggested : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=people+we+meet+in+our+life

Pointer in this and previous posts : 

* See the language of the fisherman like "blessed one/great one/ seek your blessings..." etc in the previous post and the present one - it reflects the language of a flatterer - one who desires to get his 'wrong' and 'adharmic' desires to be performed by the other.......sweet talk doesn't mean you respect the person from whom you seek or expect some favour.....sweet talk talks and reflects who you are.........your intention becomes evident in your language and the way you use it.....many times people use words like 'great guru' or 'you are great' just to please the other......don't fall for it.........and don't use it too......work on that need to please others. It comes from the centre which knows the favour we seek is unethical or our character is at flaw. Instead, work on character, look within, meditate, know your areas you are ashamed of, address it, work on it, heal it and become free from wanting to please or flatter others......

*When even the fish gets to know the intent of a person, what to say of the Universe and humans? Think! 

*" Monk felt like a failure" - not being able to fulfill someone's lustful desires doesn't mean we have failed. It reflects who the other person is and what his intentions are! It doesn't reflect who you are! Don't stoop to please the 'wrong desires' of a wrong person......

*Meditate to know what your duties and responsibilities are and only then you will know what is right and what is wrong.....

Thanks through sadhan........

Make a list of people giving you essential services and keep it ready for weekend sadhan - 


paper boy

veg. vendor

grocery vendor

cab drivers

auto and public transport men

telephone services

beauty salons





road sweepers

rag pickers....

you add the ones i left out.......

Miracle of the day : 

I could write even today!

That means -

- there still is body mind coordination

-my hand can still hold a pen

-my mind still can think coherently

- my hand still is capable of typing in the computer

-my eyes working 

-i can still sit to be able to do all this

- i can still write 

- even after 10-12 years of writing this blog, i have still something worth a dime to say and write (and excuse people give to blabber is 'but we have to talk with others something know maam, otherwise it is against social norm' - this shows we can talk for years and still be talking within the framework of something useful, productive, something insightful - all this and yet entertaining and in simple story form!!!)

- so many pointers that i am blessed - that too when only one act of the day is taken into consideration. Can you take 15mts from today till sunday to write down in your journal all the things you still have and you can feel blessed about? Even things and people you take for granted like - my mom is there but that tho everyone's is...ask people who have lost their near ones to time......having someone in your life is not something that you can take for granted.....

i have miracles to share, do you?

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