Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Monk and the scorpion – Me, My Guru


Monk and the scorpion – Me, My Guru

To his surprise he found a small scorpion in the water. He knew it would die if left in the water. So, he decided to leave it in the shore. As he turned towards the shore, water seeped out of his palm and that scorpion bite him. He shouted in pain and let it go. It fell into the water. It was about to get drowned. Realizing its plight, monk took it in his palm again. It bite him again. He let it go again. This went on for quite some time.

A villager sitting on the shore watched this happening. Being both irritated and amused he said “Dear sir, you are a monk. So, you obviously know more of the ways of the world than me. And yet, how come you are repeating your mistake? You know ‘that scorpion’ would bite you the moment you hold it in your palms. And yet, why do you take it in your palm again and again?”

Monk smiled and replied while keeping up with the act of trying to save the scorpion and being bite by it “Yes, you are right. I do know that this scorpion would bite the moment I hold it in my palm. And yet, I do it again and again. Scorpion’s nature is to ‘sting’ anyone who comes near it. And it is so committed to its nature that it is doing it again and again. It will lose its life doing so! And yet it is sticking to its nature! It is after all ‘a small creature’. And I, on the other hand am a man – fully evolved on the line of evolution. If that creature can hold on to its nature, how much more as a ‘human’ should I hold on to my ‘Dharma’ of saving ‘other life’?” 


# monk and the scorpion story, story on forgiveness, being self, character, helping and caring, being human, dharma, saving others, duties of a human being, 

also read : 

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