Monday, August 17, 2020

Few FAQs with Guru


Few FAQs with Guru

44 ways to raise your vibrational frequency! - Inspire Good Vibes

S – Ok, then what about energies?

Soul Awakening Quotes On. QuotesGram
G – When you start generating right kind of energy, you slowly get logged on to the energy source that is immense and once tapped it can be directed towards any goal of your life. Gandhi used it for social cause. Who could have thought non-violence could get us freedom – but it did! Krishna used it to bring about social order and establish Dharma.

It was the same ‘tapping’ into the ‘soul energy’ that made M.S.Subbalakshmi sing in the U.N. too! it is the same source that made Ratan Tata and JRD Tata human magnets of wealth.

Three New Books on Human Consciousness to Blow Your Mind
It is the same source that Akshay Kumar, the film actor connects to that made him still give 100% inspite of his first 18 flops. Who gets opportunity to sign next film with even one flop? And here he was being signed inspite of 18 flops. It’s the energy he radiated. He logged on to that centre through his martial arts training. Maybe, even he doesn’t know that. But the way he conducts himself and other stars do, well it is for everyone to see the vast difference.

When We Vibrate At Lower Frequencies | Spiritual awareness ...
Where and why you use it is up to you. But once you log on to it, you are not living as a beggar begging for anyone’s blessing. You become the source of energy that attracts objects of its choice.


# soul connect, knowing self, success and knowing self

questions addressed and points to be understood :
  • The one who is connected to his soul is more energetic, focused, successful, mature, happy and one who spreads joy to people around him.
  • We can draw energies from this body which is very limited.
  • We can draw energies from our intellect which is more than body but much less than our soul connect.
  • We can draw energies from our emotional centre or heart or emotion called love which is much more than intellect but still less than soul connect.
  • The one who gets connected to soul has immense energy at his disposal which he can direct for self and for the whole world at once and still be rich with it!!! 

Insight Tip : 

There is incessant rain pouring in Hyderabad, India since three days! Many are complaining that it is irritating and boring. Some are happy - the rain lovers and the romantics! Some are enjoying to laze around drinking cups of tea and having hot samosas with an excuse of rain.....

there are also those who are to face this rain living on roads......

We take many things for granted. We end up saying "yes, yes, I agree I have all this but...." 
by using that but we have negated all that we have. We say it is no big deal to have them. Some of us also say 'I have X, Y, Z but I don't want it. What is the use of having something that I don't want or use?'  - We take our houses - however they are - rented, broken, leaking, old, far off (I still don't understand what this far off means?!) etc, still we have a house and that's why we are enjoying our rains.......imagine the plight of those kids and people who are staying on the can they enjoy this rain?

Work towards things that you so want and desire. But with the happiness and contentment that comes with validating all that we still have in our lives. Don't take what we have for granted! We are demeaning the 'value' of things and people we have in life by 'not being happy' for having them. 

Work towards your object of desire. Wait for your object of desire to come into your life. But don't stop being happy now. Don't insult what you have now by repeatedly saying "oh, I don't need this or what is the use of having this?"

Think about it!

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