Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude


Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude

Charity Quotes | Charity Sayings | Charity Picture Quotes

Mohammed quote about charity.
Master asked him ‘what’s it?’ in sign language.

Ananda opened the envelope to see its content and was shocked. 50 acres of land around ashram was purchased in the name of Ashram. Now ashram was self-sufficient and any number of students could be taken and trained here henceforth. How someone could give so much and not want anything in return, he thought. And Nirmaldas explained “All this is only in exchange for what I received. And yet I haven’t paid in full”

Charity Quotes · MoveMe Quotes
Ananda was dumb stuck. Being in his Guru’s presence and listening to and practicing his words, he and other students hadn’t incorporated the word ‘gratitude’ the way Nirmaldas had in his life!

Having given these, Nirmaldas fell on his Master’s feet and said ‘I have a request. Please don’t say no Master. I’ve set up each son a huge part of business. They are good at taking care of business too. Now, if you permit I wish to be at your service in this ashram. Please don’t deny me this opportunity. I can only give myself now to your service’.

Confucius Quote: “Charity, like the sun, brightens every object on ...
Master placed his hands on his head as a sign of acceptance. Nirmaldas was overjoyed. 

He left with his family to settle all the matters and to come back as soon as possible.

88 Deeply Inspiring Charity Quotes on Giving Back to Society ...
Rest of his life was spent looking into affairs of ashram, tending cows, looking after fields and serving his Master. He would never rest. He was every busy with all the work. Being in the presence of his Master he attained ‘a state of peace and blissfulness’ that can’t be worded or explained effortlessly”  


# gratitude, thanksgiving, giving and receiving, you receive what you give, karma, law of abundance

Think and question this :  If what we receive is what we give, then why are we receiving what we are receiving?
  • Definition of charity is - giving something out of concern and sympathy to persons who are less privileged than us. 
  • If I go around carrying the bill of charity say eight thousand five hundred and twenty five rupees in the purse and being angry that my 'wish' is not fulfilled in exchange for my charity, then where am I wrong?
  • Can something be expected in exchange for charity?
  • If I expect something or anything in exchange for charity even 'good karma' is it considered 'charity'?
Awareness Tip :

There are two ways our emotions can be used.

First, I get carried away with our emotion. Then I justify why I got angry/dejected/cried etc with the situation that triggered it. Then I project that emotion on to the person who I consider responsible for triggering that emotion in me. I suffer. I think I am victim and am made to suffer by the world and its inhabitants. I use my emotion to destroy my happiness, contentment, peace and mental balance. I am driven by my emotions.

Second, I catch my emotion that is disturbing. The moment I become aware of that disturbance, I go within and find its reason. Instead of finding a 'punchbag and reason for suffering outside' I accept 'the reason to be inside of me'. I sit to heal to get relieved of my pain and suffering. I address my emotion, face it and overcome it. I don't let my emotion define my state of mind. I use my emotion to gain my confidence, sense of empowerment, peace, freedom and mental balance. I am in control of my emotions.

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