Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Few FAQs with Guru


Few FAQs with Guru

(S – stands for student and G- stands for Guru in this post)

Words of Wisdom ~ Spiritual Awareness

S – How come you don’t answer few questions?

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G – I answer all questions? Even ‘not answering’ is an answer. You don’t take it as you don’t want to hear it. You expect me to give the answer that you seek and hence can’t hear my ‘not answering’ as an answer.

S – What does it mean?

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G – It depends. Sometime it may mean, question is redundant and doesn’t deserve an answer. Like ‘is it not hot today?’ or ‘Should I not do this?’ Answer is already in the question for first type of question and yet you ask. There you don’t seek an answer as you already know it. You just want to make a sound as you are not comfortable with the silence around you and you wish to make noise.

Every time, while teaching, I would have given the answer as to when to do and how to do any healing. And each answer is given more than once for sure! And yet you ask, not because you don’t remember the answer or don’t know the answer – but because you want to go against what I already told you to do – say ‘don’t heal this way etc’. Why you do is something that you need to understand yourself. They are not questions in any way. They are just your ways of seeking attention. How do you expect me to answer that? Think!

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Next some questions are no questions. They are just accusations in the form of questions like “but is not a Guru supposed to give or do? Isn’t it?” What do I answer for that? How do I answer that? It just reflects your demands, character flaw, nature, expectations and what not! So being silent I take your invalid, illogical and ill-based accusations that come in the form of seeking answers or clarifications.

And for very many questions - I don’t lie, and I can’t or shouldn’t tell the truth. So, I keep mum. Thus, the reasons are many for not answering.

S – Don’t you get angry the way students treat you at times? How do you deal with it?  


# Questions and reply, receiver and giver,

Questions addressed and points to be taken :
  • Even 'not answering' is an answer. If you don't like it, the problem is in you, not in the giver.
  • What makes the person 'not give an answer' in the first place when the question is posed? Have you thought about it?
  • We jump to our emotion of being hurt or getting angry at the person who didn't answer us. But do we look within and check our intention, validity of our question, sense in our question to see where we were wrong in the first place?
  • Demands are 'considered' or treated as 'questions'. Demands don't warranty as questions.
  • "Should you not be giving it?" though looks like a question is actually a demand put forth. And that demand is considered as an entitlement. We can dream, wish, pray - but all that doesn't entitle us to our wishes. 
  • Why sometimes a question is not answered or addressed?
  • Beggars cannot be demanding! Isn't it? 
  • Those who seek favours can't be in the demanding position. Can they? Think about it!
  • If you hate or angry with above two sentences and law then outgrow that stage. Work towards becoming 'less and less dependent' on external things. Work towards freedom from 'desires'. Work towards freedom from suffering!

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