Sunday, August 2, 2020

Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude


Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude

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Master asked him ‘So, tell me Dasu, how are things with you?’

“Everything is going fine with your blessings Master” replied Nirmaldas.

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“I brought little dakshina to place at your feet. Please accept Master” pleaded Nirmaldas.

Master smiled and said “So be it”. He didn’t even ask what it was and how much.

With joy filled face thanking Master profusely Nirmaldas showed the cart to the Master and said “Where shall I place items in that cart?”

Master even without pausing to think said “Give it to Ananda. Ananda, go relieve Nirmaldas of that load!

The inside must change before the outside ever can. · MoveMe Quotes

Being curious Ananda went to see what the cart held. He was surprised to see groceries enough to last a year and cloth enough to clothe all students of the ashram present in that cart. His burden and tension relieved, he had them placed at the place allotted for them.

Nirmaldas also helped them to unload. It took quite some time to unload the cart. All of them rested for a while under a tree. One of the students served them buttermilk. Sipping it one of the students jokingly said “So, Nirmal, how much more you must be making if you are giving this much?”

❏ Some changes happen deep inside of you. And the truth is only ...
Nirmaldas stopped sipping buttermilk, looked at that student and got up to leave. Ananda could see that Nirmaldas was disturbed. He tried to pacify him but Nirmaldas left in a hurry. Falling at his Master’s feet he sought his permission to leave. Master nodded his head and Nirmaldas left in a hurry. He didn’t come for couple of years. A didn’t tell his Master what transpired at the kitchen. He knew Nirmaldas was hurt and maybe never come back to Ashram. But having nothing to do, he forgot about him after few days.  


# gratitude, conditions and receiving, thankfulness, doubt, greed, selfishness

Points to understand and questions raised : 
  • If you count every penny spent on others and given to others in exchange for their services then it is trade. How can you expect 'love' in trade? 
  • In trade there is bound to be pain and pleasure.
  • Are you keeping count of 'all that your receive' from others correctly? 

Look at following sentences :
  • I didn't like what he gave me. I don't like that make/colour/ flavour.
  • He gave it but I wanted something else. Why does he not give what I want, when I want?
  • He doesn't behave as per my expectations. I am suffering because of him. I am crying day in and day out.
What do these and such related 'complaints' reflect?
Are you receiving or not?
And yet you are dissatisfied. Giver gives and yet you remain thankless. And yet, you are the one complaining. How? Why?
What complaints you have of him, don't you think the same applies to your giving to him, your behaviour to him, his expectations from him?
Then you is wrong and how?
think about it......

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