Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude


Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude

30 Best Giving Quotes - Joy of Giving Quotes and Sayings

Give without the expectation of receiving! Omg, so true. | Giving ...

Nirmaldas sat at his Master’s feet for some time.

‘So, Dasu what more do you wish to give to Ashram?’ asked Master teasing him.

‘Master everything which is mine is yours’ replied Dasu sheepishly.

This time, Dasu did not come for few years to come. Granary being full, Ananda found enough reasons to bless Nirmaldas every time students were fed.

30 Best Giving Quotes - Joy of Giving Quotes and Sayings
Few years passed and one day a rich man came with his family and servants to meet the Master. That day it was a day of ‘maun vrat’ meaning Master wouldn’t talk to anyone. But on the rich man’s insistence that he had come from afar with his family and simply sought Master’s darshan, he was taken to meet the Master in his chamber. Master looked at him and smiled recognizing him. Master had grown old. Age was talking its toll on his Master’s body. Nirmaldas fell on his Master’s feet and cried. Years of separation found their expression in those tears. Master placed his hand on his head. He go up and sat near his feet and introduced his family to the Master.

                               Freely you* have received, freely give.” – Larry G. Overton

After sometime his family was taken by students to look around the ashram. Nirmaldas took a small casket and placed at his Master’s feet and requested him to accept it. Ananda was bit disappointed to look at such a small casket. But, he thought ‘I shouldn’t expect him to given even a paisa now. He already had given more than all others to ashram. Bless him!’

Kuote us! :: 22218: Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to ...
And Ananda was taken aback when Nirmaldas opened the casket. It was filled with precious stones. Master was unaffected and as ever passed it on to Ananda. Ananda was about to leave to keep it safe when Dasu stopped him. He took an envelope from his shirt and placed it in his Master’s feet. Master asked him ‘what’s it?’ in sign language.


# gratitude, giving and taking, validation, selfishness, greed, complaints

Points to ponder : 
  • We expect others to be 'good' enough to give without expecting anything in return.
  • We want them to be available 24/7 and applaud them and with applause want to bind them to our expectation.
  • But when we are expected to give - be it family or company we count pennies that we lose and money that SHOULD BE  received.
  • Why do we have two different rules - one for ourselves and one for others.
  • When we expect payment or benefit for ourselves we 'deserve' it.
  • When others expect they are 'money minded' and greedy.
  • Think about it!
  • Does this talk about others or does it reflect who we truly are!
Warning : 'I know a person like this in my office' - This is not the reason we are here. We don't need to understand them or call someone some name. We are here to find key to abundance in our life. We are here to remove that 'clog' that is stopping abundance from entering our lives. 
this doesn't apply in just area - it applies and is answer to abundance in every area......it holds answer to relieve yourself of every pain and suffering........

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Very truly said but that cliyarity should come. then only it is well 👍 possible. There needs gurujis blessings 🙏🙋👍. thank you for giving a wonderful guideline and lots of blessings.
Thank you Reiki
Thank you Reiki guruji 🙏🌹🙏