Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!


Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!

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Gandhi fought for ‘Indians’ in SA and later ‘Ahimsa’ became tool in his ‘purpose of life’ – freedom for India” saying so our Guru became silent.

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“My purpose of life is to raise my kid to be a rich and successful person” said one.

“My purpose is to get married and lead a happy married life” said other.

“My purpose is to give a house to my family and provide them with all material comforts” said another.

Most of our purposes were on this line only.

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“Your purpose of life decides your destiny. Your intent decides the outcome. See ‘POL’ as the train that takes you to the destination of your life” said our Guru.

“Is that going to work out bad for us?” I asked a bit frightened and tensed. My POL lay in the ‘common area’ of most of the people.

“Shakuni’s POL was to seek power and material success for his sister and her sons. You know that brought down their entire clan.

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Shakuni’s love for his sister was very strong and yet because his intent was based on anger, hatred and vengeance the result became painful and suffering became the gift he gave to his ‘dear sister’. His means were based on ‘adharma’ and the result is always ‘destruction and pain’ for such a choice.

End will never justify the ‘means’. Means decides the quality of journey and the results of the life and its fruits.

POL of Dhritarashtra was to make his son King and you know the result.

Mark Twain: The trouble is not in dying for a friend, but in ...
POL of Karna was to stand by his friend, Duryodhan and what happened? Inspite of being warrior par excellence, man who would give anything and everything in charity, being mind-born son of Sun God, he died a pathetic death. His life was no good either. He didn’t get peace inspite of becoming successful by means of becoming ‘King of Angh’. Why? All because he stood by a wrong person – Duryodhan! 


# purpose of life, happiness, pain and suffering, challenges of life, giving and sharing, 

also read :  https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+My+Guru+-+on+essence+-+Bhagavatam 

If your life is already happening without knowing 'purpose of life', then you can choose to let go to know this now......

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