Thursday, August 6, 2020

Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude


Me, my Guru – on Valuing and gratitude

Charity is something you do for your inner happiness.

Our Guru completed the story looked at us, smiled and left us for good. We didn’t know how to react. What was that she was trying to tell us?

Where was abundance in this story?

How to overcome suffering?

Impressive Charity Quotes -
None of these questions seem to have been answered and yet, she said this story held key to all our desires and abundance. Rahul and Aziz smiled, bowed to our Guru and left without saying a word! It was evident from their smile and their expression that they had understood. We found it much more difficult to understand this story now. We decided to go through this story few more times to understand it. Someone suggested we meditate on it. That was the only way we could understand it right. Few of us tried to understand it with our understanding and our understanding sounded both bitter (with our emotions) and hallow.

Francis of Assisi - Where there is charity and wisdom...
We wanted to understand it ASAP to reap its benefits, but ignorance or lack of clarity of thought proved a bane like never before – we received the answer and the solution. But, we and our ignorance stopped it from reaching us. Or maybe, we ourselves stopped it from reaching us! 


# gratitude, you receive what you give, abundance, reason for lacking something in life, jealousy, energy you give and receive

Think about this and answer : 
  • You receive what you give.
  • Two doctors prescribe same tests. One is right and the other wrong! When and how is one right and the other wrong?
  • One husband asks his wife to go for work. He is right and good husband.
  • The other husband asks his wife to go for work. He is wrong and bad husband.
  • Why is one husband right and the other wrong? If difficult to explain, do it with an example.

What does this story tell you?

What did you understand from this story?

Tip : The one who got angry, bitter and ended up judging got the story wrong.
The one who is confused will develop clarity with thinking over it again and again if his mind is peaceful, calm, non-judging and with little faith. 

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