Friday, August 21, 2020

Few FAQs with Guru


Few FAQs with Guru

(S – stands for student and G- stands for Guru in this post)

Divine Quotes with Picture | Sayings about Divine@

G – No. I consider myself greater than Krishna and so let my student commit 100 times more mistakes before I take some action?

S – (Student laughs at her sense of humour) So you too kill them?

To say “Lord, Lord” and then disobey is the moral equivalent of a ...
G – No, not physically. I just send them away from my life. I don’t get angry and so don’t punish them. I realize by then that no amount of work on them is going to make a change in their attitude for now. After the ‘saturation point’ that I’ve set for them I reached I ask them to go elsewhere. I just stop seeing them and teaching them. What is the fun of meeting each other if we are not good with each other? If I am not of any benefit then the purpose of me being in his life becomes redundant and hence I part as friends with them. No malice nothing! I don’t send them away because I am angry at them. I no more have anything more to offer them. So, I ask them to leave so I can direct my energies on someone else who has and will come seeking what I have to offer them.

No good carrying a dead relationship as ever! Better to say good bye while we still have good feelings for each other!

S – Then they will go to other masters seeking their help.....

JUDAS QUOTES image quotes at
G – Good for both of them! Every nut will find its place. A person who wants to run illegal business or relationship has to go elsewhere seeking advice and help. My expertise is limited to ONLY GIVING ADVICE ON DEVELOPING CLARITY OF THOUGHT, HEALING KARMA AND OUTGROWING KAMA, KRODHA, LOBHA, MADA AND MATSARYAM. Not to instigate that in the person. And rightly said by you, there will be people using peoples’ need and greed to their benefit in the guise of being a ‘master’. Good for them and good for the student who goes to them. God bless them both! 

100 Awesome Quotes By C.S Lewis, One of The Most Quoted Authors on ...
Shakuni wouldn't suite Arjuna and Duryodhan wouldn't benefit from Krishna. Each master unto his student. That's why it is Krishna for Arjuna and Shakuni for Duryodhan. What you are walking towards decides which master you get attracted to!

And that is the beauty and wonderful thing about all this! No master is good for all! No master comes for all! No one master is enough for all!

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Each unto his nature and desire!

There is an animal and Divine in each one of us! That is what Vedic philosophy states! And I teach to overcome that animal in us and to light that Divine spark within us. Let only those who want this, stay, let others go where their desires and karma take them!

I work within these parameters only. Just because you demand me to ‘fulfill’ your ‘adharmic’ desires I am not going to break my parameters. 

S - How would you wind up your advice for me?

Confucius Love Quotes | PureLoveQuotes
G - Seek not favours from your master. Seek not pity from your master. Seek not fulfillment of your desires from your master. Seek ways to work towards your Divine Nature. That itself will take take of everything else. 

When you seek blessings, favours, material gains and hold on to animal nature, even when God's bless you, it will not reach you right! 

40 Best Wise Confucius Quotes and Sayings
Be not with a master who works to please you. He will exploit you in more than one ways. He has nothing to offer you. He will use you for his benefit only.

Instead be with a master who gives you pain of losing your lower nature. He is working towards your higher good. He means good for you. He seeks that good which would benefit you for all your future janmas too to come!

And pray that you are given clarity of thought to know the right from the wrong!


# each unto his deed, master and student,

Points to be taken : 
  • There is an animal within each one of us!
  • There is a Divine spark within each one of us!
  • Master is one who lets you and shows you to kill the animal within and ignite the Divine within, each time you falter in life.
  • The one who promises to fulfill your desires may be called a master - but there are actually different words for such people.
  • The one who goes to such people because of one's own greed and nature falls into their trap and gets exploited. 
  • It is our weakness that drives us towards such people. Our weakness is at fault. As long as we are weak from within, there will be people who will exploit us. 

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