Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!


Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!

Family Travel Quotes - 31 Inspiring Family Vacation Quotes To Read ...
THIS. Every day counts, girls! wisdom for women, hope for women ...

Instead of wishing for ‘respect’ that he sought because he was denied since childhood if he had used the same pain to inspire him to find his POL his life would’ve been much more richer, beautiful, meaningful and useful. His life story would have been different in a good way!

“How could he have made his pain his inspiration for POL?” I asked. I was both surprised and amazed that we can actually convert our suffering into our POL.

200 Funny Inspirational Quotes for an Uplifting & Encouraging LifeShe replied “By standing up for all the people who were denied respect because of their caste or class. He could’ve brought meaning in their lives. He could’ve guided them right to increase their abilities and express their potential to the fullest.”

“Is that practical?” I asked.

100 Inspirational Quotes That Will Give You Strength During Hard Times“Didn’t I give an example of Mahatma Gandhi already? Look into lives of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and so many others. Whenever we pity ourselves because of our situations, we suffer and also become pain unto ourselves and to people in our lives. This pain will then become our ‘bonds’ that turn us into victims for the rest of our lives and we lead a very ‘sorry lives’. We become prisoners of our pains. Like beggars we then seek alms of ‘pity’ from one and all! We like and praise people who pity us and hate those who ask us to be strong.  


# purpose of life, uselessness and usefulness, dreams and their fulfillment, pain and suffering, happiness

also read : 

Question to think over :

  • What is your purpose of life?
Today's miracle :

Saw dragonflies - lots of them. Used to seeing them as kid. Don't remember seeing them for the last so many years. Went back to my childhood days. Wonder how one small insect can make us relive our past days?!
That was not all!
Saw lots and lots of butterflies. Then as if that was not enough I also saw honeybee. 
Am seeing lots of humming birds - with shiny dark violet skin - simply beautiful. 
Because we identify with only 'human race' we think this time is bad for the world. But the world belongs to all species and our existence is also dependent on their existence. Like butterflies and honeybees are essential for our crops and plants. We would die in just few years without them. And yet we behave as if only we have right over this world. 
Now coming back to 'existence' or 'life' - it finds its balance on its own when we create imbalance with our 'logical and selfish' ways of living, thinking and existing.
No external being need punish us. Our acts catch up with us - sooner or later and we pay a price - sometimes in the form of covid situation. It is 'existence' correcting itself and bringing order in the world. 
As long 'humans' don't learn to think beyond themselves, as long as humans don't start identifying with others as self, this ups and downs would keep happening.
And that 'knowing of self' is therefore essential. It is not a choice we have. It is the only choice we have to stop being selfish. Only the day we identify with our 'real self' will we identify with others as self.

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