Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Few FAQs with Guru


Few FAQs with Guru

(S – stands for student and G- stands for Guru in this post)

Confucius, quotes, sayings, mistake, correct, famous quote ...

S – Without expecting how can we desire?

48 Humility quotes that will change your way of thinking - Etandoz
G – Like a child who plays and forgets. Desire and let it go. Leave it into the Universe.  Next, get on with your life. Don’t be hovering over your desire. Just enjoy this life that is right in front of you. Every time mind goes towards your desire, bless your desire and then immediately bring your mind to present moment. Be now and here again and again. Work on being and loving whatever you are doing now – it can be as simple as cleaning. But be with it – and lo! Your desire knocks on your door faster than you expected. 

But keep cribbing about it, imagining what if’s with it, getting irritated about it, being envious who have it – all this and other related acts will send your object of desire more and more away from you! 

                                          Swami Vivekananda Quotes Thoughts to Help Your Inner Wisdom

Desire, but don’t expect it. Don’t push aside life as you are waiting for the fulfillment of your desire. Don’t condition its happening at appointed time. Develop trust. Don’t think logically. Don’t justify with your arguments. Drop all these acts. Just live this moment. Get yourself detached from your desire. Act as if it means nothing to you and lo! It’s happened to you!

                            Confucius - Life is really simple, but we insist on making...

S – Does this attitude work on all levels of materialization?

G – Always without exception! Develop this attitude for once and reap its benefits for life time.

                              confucius quotes - We Are Human Angels - Angelic Prayers and ...

S – How come you don’t answer few questions?

G – I answer all questions? Even ‘not answering’ is an answer. You don’t take it as you don’t want to hear it. You expect me to give the answer that you seek and hence can’t hear my ‘not answering’ as an answer. 


# detachment, expectations and conditions, fulfillment, desires, wants and needs, materialization, soul energy and physical body energy

also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=mimicry+artists 

Questions addressed :

  • How to desire?
  • What helps in fulfillment of a desire?
  • Detachment and desire - what is the connection?
Points to be taken : 
  • Hope but not expect.
  • Pray but don't demand.
  • Wait but be not desperate.
  • Seek but don't expect others to be your sub-servants.
  • Guru is not a genie who fulfills your every demand. He is there only to give clarity of thought to you.
  • Good or bad - we face the consequence of our every act. 
  • Thinking we can get away from all our 'deeds' by seeking someone's blessing is a foolish thought! Imagine every crook, criminal would use it to his every act! If it is wrong that they get condoned of their sins, how can we expect to get away from our acts?

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