Monday, June 26, 2017

On desires and decisions – Me, My Guru Crow, Parrot and other birds

On desires and decisions – Me, My Guru
Crow, Parrot and other birds

As usual I came late. My gang had that mischievous grin as they saw me. What could I do? I never wanted to be late but things always happened that way. But these friends of mine never understood that point. Not that they judged me on that either, just that they laughed everytime I tried to justify my ‘late coming’ with genuine reason. Not once did they say ‘it’s not your fault’. It pinched me a bit – not the hurtful way but in a guilty sort of way!

The session was in progress as I joined them.

In a certain forest lived a crow and a parrot and both were black and simple birds. Parrot saw itself in the water and felt it deserved to be more beautiful and pleaded to God to make it beautiful. Its prayer was listened to and then lo! It got its beautiful coloured body!

And today crow flies freely in the sky and the ‘beautiful parrot’ is caged.

As you see neither of them is wrong. Each took a decision and lived with the consequence. When we take a decision, we take into consideration one aspect of our desire and do it, but the price is paid for the decision as whole.

Divine or Universe assigns us a role for some reason. With that plan in mind, it places us accordingly in some set up and with same set of people. But as we don’t see its plan due to ignorance or our desires, we plan our life as per our wishes and desires. On that process we end up healing and praying for the same. It is not wrong. Neither does it mean that it is right. It just is! Well, if we pray contrary to our role as in Divine plan, then Divine does listen and Act accordingly and fulfills our wish – a la’ parrot case. Then, when our wish is fulfilled our fate falls in line with our new state of existence like parrot being caged. That is when we complain again. Now both God and Universe are confused. You’ve asked for something and when it is given also ‘you suffer with your wish being fulfilled’ that’s the tragedy of events.
