Tuesday, June 27, 2017

On desires and decisions – Me, My Guru Crow, Parrot and other birds

On desires and decisions – Me, My Guru
Crow, Parrot and other birds


“Ask and it shall be given” is the word of God. He is not answerable to the consequences of your wish coming true, so spare Him that”. We all laughed. We did it everytime! We prayed, prayed and then cried when our wishes did come true too! Either way, we felt doomed always. Would we ever find satisfaction and happiness in our lives? I very much doubted that with our present state of mind.

“So learn to live with your desires fulfilled. Agreed you didn’t see it coming this way and you are not forced to stay put that way for ever too! Yes, that’s the good news. Heal again and ask for change of events again and do this till you are more comfortable than in pain with your circumstances and people in your life. You can do it ‘N’ number of times – no questions asked. Just don’t be a ‘cry baby’ and envious
of ‘others being happy’. That’s all! If you want to do it or decide to do it, I mean the crying, envying and being angry with Reiki, reiki master or God, you are welcome to do it, just don’t expect anything substantial to come out of it...and then when none of these work and you realize that and are desperate to work on your dreams and desires again, just start doing sadhan the right way and in time you’ll see things shaping up again....

Now I know your next doubt. “How long should I keep changing my ‘prayer’ and why can’t He give what I want the first time itself?” if you’ve played ‘card game’ you would understand my explanation easily. When you start card game you hold certain cards, most of them are useless and more of a liability to your hand, so you start changing one card at a time till you have a hand which is perfectly sequenced and you declare ‘Show’. Do you say ‘why can’t we take all the cards in sequence at the start of the game?’ I’ll not help you with the answer here. You find it yourself. Similarly, you change one ‘variant’ in your life (like salary, person, place of residence or some other materialistic possession etc) till you get more or less all that you seek finally.


Unknown said...

The set of cards we get in the beginning is the result of 'carried forward' karma and how we play this game will also determine the add on karma ..right?

REVATHI said...

the set of cards in the beginning is the result of our 'past karma' understood usually as 'prarabhda karma' or that related to our past lives and how we play this game represents our present attitude, freewill and choices we make, which will again become seed for future events that will form situations in our life.......

REVATHI said...

also read related posts : http://kantipadam.blogspot.in/search?q=freewill



i hope you can find your answer completely from these links............

Madhumita said...

Well said! This is so true. Many times, the solution is right in front of us, especially for reiki channels. But we chose to be cry babies instead. We do everything in the world other than regular sadhan. :-)
Our prarabhda karma is definitely too good since it brought us to do Sadhan and learn do much from you. I know a lot of people, who wish to learn reiki, but just can't for years!