Saturday, August 8, 2020

Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!


Me, My Guru – On purpose of life!

Purpose of Life Quote 004 - The Soul Purpose Project

Our Guru smiled and simply nodded.

Albert Schweitzer - The purpose of human life is to serve...
“I still didn’t get it. What has that got to do with our ‘purpose of life’? asked someone.

“You help people fulfill their dreams and your dreams will be fulfilled or something like that” replied Kshama.

We all laughed. Most of us could tell stories that Guru had told us. We were good parrots. But when it came to explaining them or answering questions related to that story, we faced the dead end. ** 

226 Best Life's purpose quotes images in 2020 | Quotes ...
It was not that we didn’t understand the story. We did understand the story but it was the explaining the understanding that seemed difficult. Where and why we failed was something that troubled most of us. And not knowing the complete answer we pinned the reason on the listener. Why couldn’t we explain to others as our Guru did? We seemed to fail in some way in that area. We need to look at it more closely there! Our Guru had also given us the solution and the way many times. She said ‘When in doubt, sit in meditation. Meditate on the question every single day at least 15 mts per day till you got the answer”. But, we didn’t take that route. Why we didn't do that is also one of the questions we need to address if we really wanted to know the areas that were blocked in us that let abundance, clarity of thought and knowledge from entering our lives?

                                10 inspiring quotes to live life on purpose

“But we are not talking about fulfilling our dreams. We want to know how to find purpose of our lives” said I. 

** This quality is the one differentiating the ‘real Master’ from the person who just tells or gives advice. (Quality required in the giver of advice....)


Quotes and thought for the day : God doesn't place dice and so there are no coincidences in the world. 
Everything happens for a reason! 
All that we can't understand, we put them under the category of coincidences!?!

# purpose of life, facts of life, challenges of life, pain and its purpose, every thing happens for a reason

Questions answered and points to be taken : 
  • Difference between asking question and seeking answer.
  • Many ask question only to ask a question. The seeker is the one who takes up the answer and lives it. 
  • From which centre one asks decides his level of understanding and purpose of his asking a question.
  • Any fool can follow something that is easy to follow. 
  • A real man is one who takes up a task which seems impossible and yet walks on that path with single minded concentration and perseverance. 
Today's miracle : 

Every time it rains I look up to sky and thank the Nature for the showers sent down. I see them as blessing coming from the Universe. Sometimes, they wash away people, their homes and their dreams. Then I smile and say, 'You are giving more than we deserve. We can't hold all your blessings. Give us just as much as we can hold in our hands!'

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