Saturday, April 20, 2024

When to rest?


When to rest?

"I have noticed that when I let my emotions rule my sense of purpose, they make me mad. 

I become desperate to have my desires fulfilled. And then, fear grips me. I fear my desire not getting fulfilled. 

I get angry that my desire is not appeased immediately. I become weak. I become adamant. 

Anger takes over my senses. 

And I go berserk. I go mad with desire. Like an elephant that goes mad during the mating season, I go crazy until my desire is fulfilled. 

And, it doesn’t stop there. It takes the next desire and then it goes equally crazy till that desire is fulfilled. And this continues." 

This and such understanding can happen only when we put our minds to rest. And rest means to meditate in silence. 

When such thoughts and emotions drive us crazy, then know it is time to take rest!

When we run behind objects of this world seeking relief from pain, happiness, security, and joy - we only get tired and more restless. So, take a break from your routine. Take a break from running around in circles. Take a break from outside and go within. And even a small break can give you a huge breakthrough from all your problems - sometimes!

# to rest, peace of mind, calmness, mindfulness, awareness, outerworld reflection of inner world, breakdown situations, problems and solutions, mastering self, success begins with self, 

read related posts on similar topic 

Question time:

What did you understand as "rest"?

Why should we rest?

How do you propose to rest?

1 comment:

Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

Namaste Madam 🙏
Rest is sit in Sadhan do hands on, green ball meditation, swipe off, chanting or go through Kanthipadam journals. Come out of the situation which is blocking my way. Change from negative thoughts to positive thinking.
Thank you Madam for enlightenment.
Udaya Bhanu