Wednesday, May 1, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!



On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

The Next point is “Is it wrong to not do sadhan or take a break from sadhan?”

Technically, the answer is NO!

Then, what difference does it make?

After all, you come back to sadhan when things go wrong, right? (and there too people talk as if that is also a great favour done to me!!)

Understand this here – ethically, legally, and socially you are not bound to do sadhan. You are not committing a crime by not doing sadhan.

Then, what is the problem?

Understand first, why are we doing sadhan in the first place?

If the answer is just, to keep things going in life, fine, you can move on to other posts!

But, for those who are here with an understanding that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for all that is happening in your life, you also have understood that YOU NEED TO CHANGE for the better to change the things and people in your life. Then, whenever you give a break, then things and people are going to go back to their original or painful way of being. When you know by being in healing, it can be avoided, the pain can be avoided, why let it surface in the first place?


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

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