Thursday, May 23, 2024

Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra



Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra

Similarly, people who want instant gratification and instant results are strengthening their asuric nature. By developing these qualities in us we develop ‘asura’ within us. We strengthen the ‘asura’ within us.

Look at Indra. He doesn’t stop at answers that ‘pleases’ him and questions his understanding. Indra knew that any answer that indicates or facilitates only comfort wouldn’t be the ‘right answer’. He searched for the ‘right answer’.  He is ever ready to look within. He doesn’t want to compromise till he has found the complete ‘Truth’. He is not ready to go easy in learning and stop learning, questioning in between.

He is ready to sacrifice ’32 years’ to know further. Patience is a ‘daivic nature’. Any ‘real learning’ needs time. Instant learning, easy learning, or quick learning reflects ‘no learning’.

At every stage, when Indra is asked to stay back for 32 more years, he agrees without batting his eyes. He doesn’t demand an explanation from his Guru in the guise of asking for clarification as “Why didn’t you tell at the beginning itself that there were stages and each would take 32 years to finish? At least in the future tell other students so that they are not kept in dark”.

He didn’t think he was entitled to the Knowledge that his Guru had. He didn’t assume he had the right to take all as and when and how he pleased.


# me, my guru stories, Indra and Virochana, asura and deva, asuric nature, daivic nature, karma, illusion, ego, body consciousness and soul consciousness, reality, The Truth, maya, meditation, knowing self, Self, Ultimate knowledge, awareness, mindfulness, 

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Pointers to understand this post:

Similarly, people who want instant gratification and instant results are strengthening their asuric nature. " - Being impatient is an asuric nature. Look at yourself as you go through your day. If this quality is found, take time to sit and understand the root of this impatience. Work on it. Counter it with patience.

At every stage, when Indra is asked to stay back for 32 more years, he agrees without batting his eyes. " Patience is a Godly virtue. Have patience to do sadhan. Have patience to wait for results. Lord Indra is ready to stay 32 years every single time his Guru asks him to. And people are ever asking for NEW TECHNIQUES  to come for class! What a pity!! No one till date have I seen who has understood any single technique through practice and experience. 

Don't keep going from one master to the other!

Don't keep going from one class to the other!

Don't keep jumping from modality of healing to the other!

Pick up one. Stick with one and then give your all to it - then see how it transforms you and your life!

He didn’t think he was entitled to the Knowledge that his Guru had. " - Guru's knowledge is for one and all! And yet, no one receives it by DEMANDING IT! Unfortunately, now due to 'shopkeeping of classes' everyone assumes, he can get 'all knowledge' in a limited time. Know-how can be learned for some money. But Knowledge should be EARNED! Develop eligibility for that! Don't assume you deserve it! 

When one is angry when he is not given some knowledge that is the sign that he does not deserve it and yet assumes he has right!

He didn’t assume he had the right to take all as and when and how he pleased. " - People who THINK AND ASSUME they can come and learn at their convenience are walking the wrong path. 

Very important quality that is needed for growth in spiritual line is "wait to be called by the Guru". 

One who leaves everything and rushes to attend that call already has the most important ingredient for growth - the right attitude and that by itself becomes his "Rama raksha". It becomes his key to abundance - both in receiving grace and in speeding his growth! 

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