Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Me, my Guru – On finding faults


Me, my Guru – On finding faults

We all joined to making fun of Vaishnav. She listened with a smile. Few minutes later when we were done, our Guru simply posed us a question “What is the most easiest and the most difficult thing in the World?”

We went silent. Each came with the answer. But the trickiest part of the question was “Whatever was the easiest also had to be the most difficult thing”! how could that be?

After making umpteen failed attempts we accepted our defeat and sought an answer from her.

She simply said “Mistakes!”

Easy to judge when others do it and difficult to realize when we do it”.

Even without telling much, she made us realize that the easiest thing to do in the World was to find fault in others – like we were doing with Vaishnav.

The most difficult was to realize when we do it. It was equally difficult to accept when others pointed out our mistake to us.

She asked us “Haven’t you been where he is now?”

Most of us agreed we had been there. But we have moved on. And now, the same attitude was unacceptable to us. We said, “But Guruji, we are ashamed of it now. And we are accepting it. We’ve also healed it”.

“So?” that was her question.

We didn’t have an answer then.

It was later when we meditated that we understood a few points. It was easier to hate our flaws in others than in ourselves. When we had the same attitude in us, we justified it bringing people and situations in our life into the picture.


# me, my guru stories, on finding faults, on being judgmental nature, judging others, owning up our mistakes, most easy for all to do, being faultless, on forgiveness, compassion, empathy, understanding, teasing, taunting, 

read previous post on this topic 

Question time:

What are the points that hit you in this post?

What are the sentences that are pointers for you to understand in this post?

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