Friday, May 17, 2024

Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!



Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!

“The good thing about his “Law of Karma” is that it works both ways. That means not only does our good come back, despite coming way later than our expectations” our Guru continued with a chuckle. We all joined her “Our bad actions also do come back to us! As it doesn’t come immediately, we realize we are not as lucky as others and hence are denied goodies of our life. We feel we are insulted by others when we don’t deserve it. We are cheated even when we did good. But, we forget our memory can support us to this lifetime only. But what about all that happened before that? If ‘lucky’ is the result of some good done in the past, the unjust and uncalled-for bad that we face is the result of some wrong we had done long back. Imagine all the wrongs that we do in this life are received by us immediately, can we take it? So, it is spread through janmas as piecemeal. That is HIS Grace! That is HIS love for us.

Of course, even to understand that we should’ve done a considerable amount of healing. Otherwise, even in HIS Grace, we’ll find excuses to hurl abuses at HIM.

So, to sum up, every good and bad karma of ours finds its way back into our lives at its appointed date of maturity. So, since we can’t change the past, let’s just concentrate on being a little more aware of our daily thoughts and actions. Let’s increase the credit balance with some good acts and thoughts in “the Karma Bank Account”. As far as possible, let’s avoid generating negative thoughts and actions” our Guru concluded.

“So are we to suffer because of our past karma? I am afraid of facing it. Help me Guruji” cried Vaishnav.


# me, my guru stories, no good done goes waste, karma, you receive what you give, good or bad comes back to us, boomerang effect of our actions, sooner or later we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow, 

read previous post further on this topic 

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1 comment:

Mona said...

Thank you for the beautiful explanation Ma'am. I have first hand seen peoples (and my) good and back karma come back in the same lifetime atleast partially.

When you face a situation you had put someone else in, you just cant help but understand the law of karma. You are filled with guilt and shocked at your own ignorance. The biggest lesson is to atleast be aware from this very moment.

- Mona