Monday, May 27, 2024

On getting transformed into the object of our love!


On getting transformed into the object of our love!

Ranjha ranjha karthe mai tho ranjhe jaisi ho gayee…

Saying “Ranjha, Ranjha, I have become him..”

Heer Ranjha is the eternal love story. Heer says “Saying Ranjha, Ranjha, I have become him”.

So it is with Meera!

So it is with Radhaa!

So it is with you and me!

So, the next big question is “Who is our Ranjha?”

What do you want to become?

Who do you want to become like? Take time to find this answer. Address this question. And then, keep chanting his name and you’ll become him!

That is the secret to getting transformed easily into someone greater than you!


# illusion, enlightenment, how to become pure, object of our love, on love, feelings and their purpose, moksha, Upanishads,

also read 

Points to remember and questions addressed:

  • How to transform ourselves easily into our 'real self'?
  • How to experience love?
  • Why do we attract what we attract?
  • How love and hate change for life for good or bad?
  • If you choose to love the best, you become the best eventually!
  • Hate the other for the wrong he has done and you become him eventually!
  • Choose your emotions right! They decide your path and destination!
  • Disturbing mind can't take right decisions!
  • Calm your mind to see right!
  • Disturbing emotions can't let the mind become calm!
  • Work on disturbing emotions, don't justify your emotions!

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