Thursday, May 16, 2024

Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!



Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!

Vaishnav didn’t seem happy with this explanation.

“I did so much of sadhan and yet desire remains unfulfilled” he cribbed.

“The good act of crow was returned years after it had done it. Our acts may take years to mature, sometimes. Sometimes, it may even take janmas too (Dhritarastra). We can only sow seeds of good acts. We can’t control their dates of maturity” replied Rahul smiling.

“What you call as luck in other's lives and feeling jealous day in and day out are actually their good karma maturing now” said Azia and everyone burst out laughing.

And of course, Vaishnav was offended.

He was the classic crybaby.

“Then, what is the fun of doing sadhan if all are to mature in the distant future?” he asked angrily. He was clearly disgusted when others answered his queries. He hated all these people, it was obvious. He wanted to attack his Guru with his logic. But these people acted as her army. He didn’t like that.

“When you do reiki, don’t you get a bus, train ticket and such desires fulfilled immediately? Then some desire of yours, we all remember like a job, salary hike, sale of the house got fulfilled in just a few days or months time. Right? So, you can’t tell all are getting postponed. Some mature on the same day. Some take days. And others years. Very few take time of few janmas to materialize. That’s all! Explained one after the other.

“I hate how all this works. I hate God for not doing anything to make things go my way. I hate God for creating such ‘waiting periods’. I’ll never love God who tortures me so. If HE wants my love, He should fulfill my wishes, right?” shouted Vaishnav. He actually said it in a low voice but his ‘suppressed anger’ was evident for one and all to see and hear.


# me, my guru stories, no good done goes waste, karma, you receive what you give, good or bad comes back to us, boomerang effect of our actions, sooner or later we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow, 

read previous post further on this topic 

Pointers to understand post:
Some mature on the same day. Some take days. And others years. Very few take time of few janmas to materialize. That’s all! Explained one after the other. " - The things that materialize when we do Reiki are brushed aside as 'not great miracles happened to me maam, just simple ones like getting bus, job and so on - like everyone around'. We take what we receive for granted. And then complain about what we didn't YET receive. Therein lies our 'attitude problem'.

" I hate God for creating such ‘waiting periods’. I’ll never love God who tortures me so. If HE wants my love, He should fulfill my wishes, right?” shouted Vaishnav. " - No GOD promised you to fulfill your wishes every single time.
God never tortures anyone. We torture ourselves with our pile of desires. Even if 99 is fulfilled, we say "but that one is still pending, see God doesn't want me to hit 100 even in my wishes". We have our twisted logic to blame anyone and everyone. THAT attitude of ours is the root cause of our suffering!

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