Friday, May 31, 2024

Sadhan June 2024


Sadhan June 2024

Clarification for “….”

Read the post slowly once again!

Do Emotional Healing with one person at least twice a week.

If you can do it for daily, then all the more – GOOD!

Like this, do throughout the month – every week minimum of 2 times  with one person.

You can choose to do with the same person


You can do with different persons.

Choice is yours!

Important is that you do emotional healing (as taught in II degree) minimum of 2 times per week this month…

Hope it is clear!

If not, explain which sentence is difficult to understand and i'll try to explain again....



Rahul Deshpande said...

Thank you Guruji ....will start doing ,it's clear and understood

Rahul Deshpande said...

Thank you Guruji ....will start doing it's clear and understood