Friday, May 31, 2024

Reflections – On fear of missing out – FOMO!


Reflections – On fear of missing out – FOMO!

Every single day, at the end of the day I see “pending items” in the ‘to-do list’ of the day!

It's been my life agenda to complete ‘to-do list’ easily, effortlessly and completely for the day for years.

It’s never been possible.

So, I decided to increase the number of hours per day and got up 1 hr earlier than usual. I felt accomplished at that time. Yes, now I could go for a walk – though I looked forward to going for walk for 2 hours, I could squeeze only 1 hr for it. I exercised for 1 hr which was also short of my 2hr mark.

I am glad I completed homam but hands-on and meditations were still pending at 9am. It was breakfast time and so pranayama was skipped too or should I say delayed for today.

The rest of the day went in conducting classes. At 7.30pm when I stepped in, my dishes and broom were staring at me. I swept and moped. Next, completed making dinner. Had to rush through the bath as dishes (since morn) were waiting for me. After dinner, it was time to blog. Had to catch up with the family. Gosh, time was ticking. It was well past 11 pm and yet nothing much was accomplished today – even today!


# fear of missing out, on wanting it all, going slow, mindfulness, awareness, being still, real happiness, joy, owning and possessing, abundance, insecurities, possessions, 

also read previous post 

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