Saturday, June 1, 2024

Reflections – On fear of missing out – FOMO!



Reflections – On fear of missing out – FOMO!

And to think I had even got up 1 hr earlier. I still had few techniques to complete in Reiki. But today it was just few essentials that I had completed. Already 1 am! Time to go to bed. Couldn’t listen to songs!

Couldn’t think about my hobby!

No me time today too!

Still so much household chores pending!

But now I shouldn’t think much about them. Maybe tomorrow!!

Maybe tomorrow I would get up 1 more hour earlier than today!

So you see, however much we squeeze in life, there will be things undone – always!

There always will be fun not chased.

Not every day we can have it all.

No! we let go of one today and next thing tomorrow. We rotate our work, activities, desires as musical chairs – on daily basis. This builds stress, dissatisfaction, irritation, disappointment and emptiness over time!


# fear of missing out, on wanting it all, going slow, mindfulness, awareness, being still, real happiness, joy, owning and possessing, abundance, insecurities, possessions, 

also read previous post 

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