Friday, June 7, 2024

Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!



Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!

Now Sage Narada became a bit tensed. He felt sorry for this man. He was so courteous and cordial. He was so welcoming. He didn’t hurry to ask the answer. He was serving the Sage with calm, poise and happiness. His heart would be broken when he found the answer thought Narada.

Finally, the time came to reveal the answer. Narada said “You’ll have to take as many janmas (births) as there are leaves on this banyan tree. After that, you’ll get your Moksha!”

The ascetic was sitting at the feet of Sage Narada and listening with rapt attention when he sought the answer to his question.

He was stunned for some time. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Raising both hands in the air, dancing with joy, shouting praises of Sri Hari he started singing “Oh, how generous is my Lord! He’s promised moksha to me just after the number of births as the leaves on this great banyan tree. I am truly blessed. I did tapas for just a few years and yet His Grace is immense and so He has blessed me with it.

Now, I’ve so many janmas to fill with Harinaam (Chanting name of Hari) and keep thinking about HIM! How wonderful is this wait! I can relish uttering HIS sweet name for so many janmas! I can serve HIM in so many ways for such a long time. How blessed am I? How generous is my Lord! No doubt, all the Great Sages sing HIS praise!” so saying he danced in rapture.

# me my guru stories, Narada and the bhaktha, vedic philosophy, Bhakthi, moksha, penance, enlightenment, freedom from the cycle of life and death, Lord Narayana, Upanishads, land called India and its philosophy, 

also read 

What are the reasons we miss out on being Enlightened?

What are the qualities we need to develop to attain moksha?

All related question answered in the link given above.... 

Question time:

Why is Narada worried for the second bhaktha?

Sage Narada's worry and joy for the bhaktha's was ill-placed. Is it the same in our lives too? How many times it has happened to you - that you worried where there was no need and you felt it was cause for celebration and the reaction was just opposite of that?


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