Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Me, My Guru - On anxiety and depression!


Me, My Guru - On anxiety and depression!

“Sometimes, all that is needed to come out of boredom, anxiety, laziness and depression is a simple lifestyle change.” said our guru.

We were all ears!

Could a simple lifestyle change get us out of so many problems, we thought and wondered!

“Yes! Whenever you get up, just go to take a bath immediately after brushing your teeth! Simple! Isn’t it?” our Guru asked. She continued “Exercise, yoga, having tea, sweeping outside our house (aangan) – every other thing can wait!

Just take a bath!

Rushing and running behind your kid to get him ready for school can wait too! Just go and have your bath!

I’ll have a bath after coming from my walk is not the response!!

Just take a bath.

Now, go far your walk.

Don’t argue!

Don’t ask questions like “but, why ma'am?”

Don’t try to understand.

Don’t try to analyse.

Just do!

Just take a bath and start your day.

Your other routine may remain the same as before.

Just make this mall change!

Just do it for 21 days and see how it impacts you and your life!


# Me My Guru stories, life style change, small change in life, life changes, life, attitudes, habits, destiny, boredom, depression, listlessness, 

also read https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2021/07/start-of-day.html

Question time :

Can a simple change in life style make an impact on anybody's life?

Have you tried ever it?

What was it and how did it make a difference? 


Swati said...


Will do this and get back with my experience

Kshitija said...

Will do it and get back with my experience

Swati said...

The little big change of my life.
Taking bath first thing in the morning had made a huge difference in my life. Still continuing and will always continue and make it a habit.
Before this change there were times were I didnt find time to take bath. Things are more organised I feel. My energy level from morning to evening are same.
There is positive feel or energy around. There is no negative thoughts going on.
Thank you so so so much mam for this great tip.
Benefitted in a huge way.