Thursday, June 20, 2024

Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2



Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2

Chalk out your priorities right!

Concentrate on that! Your 80% of pain and suffering will go away.

You’ll be happy and content.

Instead of working to build a huge house, work on spending time in the house.

Instead of working to build a huge house, work on making your house a home!

Work on your bank balance. But better still, work on your relationships. For that, you need to spend some time with your family and friends.

Post your vacation photos online. But better still, post stories of your family member's good qualities and the way they had reached out to you in times of need. The more you talk about how someone is good because of his conduct, the more will follow suit. If all you talk about is achievements and possessions, then we are unknowingly starting a ‘war of egos’. Don’t let people think that the ‘worth’ of the person is in how much he possesses. Let all know that what he gives out and how he is, is the measure of being ‘great’. This is within everybody’s reach. So, everyone will start working on that. And before long, your circle will be that of ‘genuine good people’.

Buy children toys. But don’t let MRP decide its worth. Teach them to enjoy games where money is not involved too.

Instead of shopping more, wear more often that you have purchased. Why let almirah be stuffed with expensive clothes when all you prefer is housewear? When you buy less (or only as much as you need) then you will have more savings and you can retire fast too….


# Me My Guru stories, purpose of life, ikigai, self worth, self esteem, joys of life, happiness, life, needs and purpose of life, beauty of life, abundance, 

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