Friday, June 14, 2024

Be the right parent, not the good one!


Be the right parent, not the good one!

Spending time with your children is more important than spending money on your children.

Spend for children but also teach them the value of money.

Give them comforts, but also teach them the joy of simple living.

Spend on them but inculcate the value of saving in them.

NEVER let them know that they will be left with enough not to work for anything. Instead, teach them to earn for themselves. Teach them the joy of being independent.

Pamper them but also make them self-reliant. Make them feel special but also point out their shortcomings. Teach them to celebrate every small victory. But above all teach them to lose graciously.

Teach them to give their best.

Teach them to win. But over and above that, teach them to win honestly!

Set goals for them to achieve. But, make it known to them that they are more important than the goals that they achieve or chase!

Teach them to dream! But, also teach them to be mindful of the present.

Teach them to care and share!

Teach them the joy of helping and reaching out to others!


# good parent and right parent, on parenting, bringing up the child, lasting impressions on children, parents, childhood, on teaching kids, 

also read

1 comment:

Rucha Sundrani said...

Truly heart touching massage .I will work on this line" for giving them comfort and teach them simple living too"..